TV-MA | TV Series | 60 min | Drama, Action, Sci-fi, Fantasy, War
TAGLINE: Game of Thrones meets Jason Bourne on steroids.
Part of the Codex Universe.
Set in the 23rd century. Dystopian wastelands and the rise of matriarchal cities of the future. Post apocalyptic era. World war.
Season 1: A wounded soldier regains consciousness on a deserted battlefield where he finds himself suffering from amnesia, schizophrenia and damaged nanotech, while enduring an unrelenting desire to rescue a woman spy he does not know. He’s hunted by both sides of the war for what he unknowingly processes. But not even that can divert him from his intuitive mission.
Materials include story bible, character breakdown, treatment and teleplay.
Created by Spice Greene. All rights reserved. ImaginNation Media Entertainment.